Community is the heart and purpose for everything THEP does.
Residential yards and gardens
Parks and playgrounds
Property development
Healthy families in-home and in-daycare visits
Children’s blood lead testing
Enhanced Healthy Family Supports

Smelter emissions reduction
Dust control
Air monitoring
Air quality working group
Built Environments
Education and community outreach
Healthy homes and daycares in-home visits
Lead-safe renovation
Residential lead inspection pilot program
The Program
The Trail Area Health & Environment Program (THEP) supports the community of Trail and surrounding areas to live, work and play in an area influenced by smelter air emissions for over 125 years.
THEP focuses on air, soil, health, built environments (e.g. homes, daycares, fences, sheds, civic buildings, etc.), community connection and understanding the interrelationships between focus areas.
THEP aims to be an accessible entry point to learn about the issues, ask questions and find support. Community connections help ensure support reaches those who need it. A culture of sharing and learning helps to ensure programming and resources have maximum impact.
THEP Values
Health – Program resources are targeted at reducing people’s health risks and empowering families and others to support their health journey.
Community – Community members are integral to success, from programs on the ground to participation in decision making, and have the largest proportion of representation on THEC. Program goals and activities are reviewed by the community through regular public consultation, and the Program actively contributes to community health and wellbeing.
Partnership – THEP uses a partnership approach in governance and Program delivery. It has been recognized for the effectiveness of its collaborative multi-stakeholder model of industry, government, and community working together for mutual benefit.
Science-based –THEP designs and delivers activities based on scientific research, evidence of effectiveness, and a recognition of complex systems.
Accountability – THEP is accountable to the community, THEC, and other stakeholders through transparent decision making, responsive and timely programming, and proactive public communication and consultation.
Trustworthy – THEP is open, honest, and transparent in its actions and communication with the public, with each other as partners, and with THEC.
The Partners
THEP is implemented by partners. Each partner works in an area of focus and collaborates on the bigger picture.
The partners are:
City of Trail
Convenor, providing facilitation and collaboration support for the partners, the working teams as well as the governance committee. In addition, the City supports community engagement and additional dust control measures throughout the Trail area (including Rivervale, Waneta and parts of Warfield). Activities are implemented via elected officials, hired consultants and City staff.
Teck Trail Operations
Manages air quality, soil and built environment components. This includes air emissions monitoring, reporting and improvements; soil testing and remediation; primary prevention via in-home visiting (in collaboration with Interior Health’s team), provision of lead safe renovation information and supplies and supporting partnerships in the community. Secondary prevention is addressed through additional support for families the Medical Health Officer is following up with. Activities are implemented via Teck employees and a consulting team.
Interior Health (IH)
Manages health components including primary and secondary prevention activities. This includes in-home visits with a public health nurse, engagement with the local community, management of blood lead testing clinics and providing Enhanced Support.
Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV)
Has regulatory oversight of the Teck Trail Operations as it relates to environmental protection (i.e. discharges to the environment). ENV provides expertise, as well as being a liaison to the community and other partners. This includes working with Teck to ensure data has undergone quality control measures; participating in activities of the Air Quality Working Group and being available to engage with the community as requested. Activities are implemented via the Industrial Waste Authorizations and Land Remediation branches, as well as the Senior Air Quality Meteorologist.
Presented in 2021
Trail Community Lead Task Force
Current programs are rooted in scientific research and input from the Trail Community Lead Task Force. Steve Hilts, THEC community member, provides an overview of the studies and key findings.
Presented in 2021
Reducing Children’s Exposure to Lead and Other Smelter Metals in the Community
Clare North, Andrea McCormick ( and Meghan Morris, members of the Trail Area Health & Environment Program Team, share the comprehensive program in place to improve air quality, support family health and keep homes, gardens and parks healthy and safe.