I consent to officers, employees, and parties authorized by Teck Metals Ltd. (Teck) for the Trail Area Health and Environment Program, Home and Garden Program1 entering and having access to my property at the above address for the following purposes:
Performing a property inspection including a property inspection and owner interview;
Collecting soil samples from across the yard (lawn areas) and from vegetable and/or flower gardens (if applicable) to a depth of approximately 15 cm below ground surface;
Assessing exterior surfaces for lead-based paint, including collecting samples of deteriorating or chipping paint that may be present on buildings or fences. It is not the responsibility of Teck or SNC-Lavalin to address lead-based paint on your property, but the purpose of this sampling is to identify a potential source of lead exposure in your yard, and
Obtaining photographs and drawings to record soil assessment activities and ground cover
I realize these actions are taken in order to assess the presence of historical smelter-related metals in surface soils, and that a factual report presenting the results of the assessment for the property will be provided to me when completed. I understand and agree that results of this soil testing may be shared with the BC Ministry of Environment and/or Interior Health.
This written permission is given by me voluntarily with knowledge of my right to refuse and without threats or promises of any kind. This agreement is only for the purposes described above and for no other work.
1 Delivered by SNC-Lavalin Environment and Water, Division of SNC Lavalin Inc. on behalf of Teck
Agreement* I grant access to my property and hereby warrant that I have the authority to make this agreement
COVID-19 Resident Interaction Acknowledgement
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Home & Garden (H&G) Team has developed safety protocols to adapt interactions with property owners, residents, and members of the community (referred to as residents) during the 2020 field season. The intention of this document is to align our work with the direction provided from the Ministry of Health (www.gov.bc.ca) in order to work safely within the COVID-19 crisis.
The H&G team provides a range of services and may include the following activities: obtaining access consent, on-site planning, delivery of supplies, soil testing, soil excavation, landscaping, and lawn care treatment. H&G staff and our contractors will be abiding by the following safety protocols to minimize the risks of COVID-19 transmission:
Property access consents will be submitted online at www.thep.ca or emailed to programs@thep.ca.
H&G staff and contractors will NOT enter residences. Residents will be contacted to determine the preferred way to interact (eg. text, video call, phone).
Documents that require review or approval will be sent electronically.
When H&G staff and contractors are on the property to complete field activities (i.e. ground-cover evaluation, property walk-throughs, excavation monitoring, soil testing, etc. they will take the following precautions:
Text or call the resident to note their arrival (instead of knocking on the door).
Avoid physical contact such as handshakes when greeting people.
Maintain a distance of 2 metres (m) apart from residents while on site.
Wear clean nitrile gloves when delivering supplies to be left for the resident (e.g. garden kits or hoses).
Reduce in-person meetings to virtual meetings and hold site meetings outside while maintaining physical distancing requirements.
Provide a scheduled daily phone or email check-in with the resident at active sites.
H&G staff and contractors always follow rigorous health and safety protocols and have adapted work practices to include COVID-19 hygiene best practices including daily personal health monitoring, frequent hand washing, and disinfecting high touch surfaces
Note that because of this situation, delays in providing services may be experienced. Please help us by abiding by the following guidelines to help keep our community safe. Without these measures, we will not be able to provide yard and garden programs.
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COVID-19 Acknowledgement* I acknowledge having the read the above stated precautions and am comfortable to proceed.
Signature* All information collected is confidential and will not be shared outside of our program.
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