The Air Quality Program works to improve air quality in the community through emissions reductions, air quality monitoring, and community dust control.

Air Quality Program activities work together to get the best results – lower exposure, lower health risks, and a healthier environment.

smelter icon

Emissions reductions from Teck Trail Operations

street sweeper icon

Dust control in the community

Air quality monitoring and reporting

Common questions about air quality in the Trail Area...​

How does lead enter the body? 

According to the US Centre for Disease Control, ingestion is the main route of exposure to lead (Pb) for children, and the route that most commonly leads to elevated blood lead levels.

This is true for any community and is not specific to communities with a lead smelter.

Children are at greater risk of ingesting lead as they often put hands and objects in their mouth. 

Inhalation can be an exposure pathway for workers in lead industries, “do-it-yourself” home renovators, persons with hobbies (stained glass making/soldering), people who smoke and children exposed to second hand smoke. Absorption into the skin is a less common and rare exposure pathway. 

What is fugitive dust and how is it being managed at the smelter?

Fugitive dust is an air quality term used to describe an emission which does not pass through a stack. At the smelter in Trail, this is dust that escapes the smelter site from stockpiles, open handling of materials, buildings and vehicle traffic. Fugitive dust is not stack emissions. Fugitive dust is a source of lead (Pb) in airborne dust. 

Teck Trail Operations manages fugitive dust at the smelter mainly by investing in initiatives to reduce fugitive dust on roads, in open mix areas, and in buildings. Some examples include improved road cleaning and dust suppressant, installing a windfence as well as wheel washes. They also focus on monitoring and real-time behaviour changes within the operation. See additional FAQ for more on fugitive dust reduction efforts. 

What is lead (Pb) in airborne dust and how does it affect the community? 

Dust particles present in smelter emissions contain lead (Pb). Dust particles in the air that contain Pb is referred to as ‘lead in airborne dust’. This lead in airborne dust may travel from the smelter site and settle in the community as part of the dust and soil. In Trail, lead in airborne dust originating at the smelter site can come from fugitive dust emissions (e.g. stockpiles, open handling of materials, buildings and vehicle traffic) and stack emissions. Bare soils, deteriorating older paint, and other industries in the community can also add to Pb in airborne dust.  

What actions can I take to reduce my family’s exposure to lead in dust?

Primary prevention is the most effective way to prevent lead exposure. Actions you can take to reduce the risk of lead exposure include:

  • Wash your hands and your children’s hands especially before eating and after playing outdoors.
  • Eat foods that have enough iron and other vitamins and minerals. A person who eats a balanced, nutritious diet may absorb less lead. Eat at the table.
  • Keep your floors dust-free by vacuuming and damp-mopping often. Leave outside shoes at the door. Damp dust frequently, especially window ledges and countertops.
  • Keep outdoor play areas clean. Cover the sandbox when you are finished playing. Hose off patios, play equipment, and driveways often. Play on the grass and cover bare soil areas.
  • Renovate safely. Seal off the area of work, use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and clean well when complete. Keep children and pregnant women away if possible.

Secondary prevention including blood lead testing and follow-up minimizes further exposure. Trail offers an annual voluntary blood lead testing clinic for children under five years old.

What are the concerns about lead?

Lead exposure can have detrimental effects on early childhood development and children’s future outcomes. Lead is most harmful to young children under the age of six. A pregnant woman who is exposed to lead can pass it to her baby through the mother’s breast milk. For children, there is no known safe level of lead exposure and no known safe blood lead concentration.

Most lead enters the body through the mouth via eating, drinking or breathing in dust containing lead. Young children are at a higher risk for lead exposure and its effects because:

  • They often put their hands and objects in their mouths.
  • They sometimes swallow non-food items.
  • Their bodies absorb lead at a higher rate.
  • Their brains are developing quickly.

Still, there are actions you can take to help reduce your family’s exposure to lead. 

If I have a concern about air quality or health, who do I contact?

Residents who have concerns about air quality are encouraged to call the Teck Community and Environment Feedback line at (250) 364-4817, a phone line answered 24 hours a day. 

If you have a health concern specific to lead exposure, please contact THEP Family Health Services at the Kiro Wellness Centre 250-364-5945 or text your public health nurse 250-231-5945.

Learn more about Pb and health here.

How does Teck share air quality information locally?

Teck shares summary information at the bi-monthly Trail Area Health & Environment Committee (THEC) meetings which are open to the public. All air quality reports are also published online at  Lastly, Teck participates in the THEC Air Quality Working Group to share more detailed information on air quality management at Teck and in the community.

Who regulates Teck’s lead (Pb) emissions?

Teck smelter’s aerial emissions (stack and fugitive) are regulated under permits issued by the BC Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV). 

What is Teck doing to reduce lead (Pb) emissions?

Over the past 30 years, there have been significant improvements in community air quality and over $1.7 billion has been invested in a modernization program to improve operational and environmental performance at Teck Trail Operations. Since the installation of the KIVCET Smelter in 1997 and subsequent operations improvements at Teck Trail Operations, there has been a 99.5% reduction in stack lead emissions.

The Air Quality Program, one of several programs overseen by the Trail Area Health & Environment Committee, is managed by Teck Trail Operations, and continues to reduce lead in the environment through the comprehensive Fugitive Dust Reduction Program.

Fugitive dust reduction efforts include:

  • construction of the Smelter Recycle Building, close to the size of two Canadian football fields, to enclose mixing and storage of process feed materials;
  • installation of a ten-metre high wind fence reducing dusting where feed materials are mixed;
  • installation of wheel washes and truck washes onsite to help reduce tracking of materials onto roads;
  • onsite street cleaning, via street sweepers and water trucks, provide a year-round program of roadway sweeping and flushing; and,
  • identification and reduction of fugitive dust sources from work activities in Teck’s operating plants. 

How does Teck Trail Operations use data to manage lead (Pb) levels in air in Trail?

Every hour, analyzers measure metals concentrations at Butler Park and Duncan Flats. Near real-time data is transmitted to Teck Trail Operations’ process control systems. If lead (Pb) levels begin to rise, plants at Teck Trail Operations are automatically notified so that actions can be taken to reduce Pb emissions.

Where is lead (Pb) in air monitored?

Teck conducts the following monitoring in the community: 

  • Measures of lead, arsenic and other particles in the air are taken at two testing locations in the Lower Columbia: Butler Park and Birchbank. Readings are taken over 24-hour periods.

This information is collected and analyzed by Teck’s environment staff and reported to the Ministry of Environment and Parks as well as the Trail Area Health & Environment Committee (THEC). THEC meetings are open to the public, occur five times per year, and include an air quality report with the most current data available.

In addition to the 24-hour samples collected at Butler Park and Birchbank, Teck also conducts the following monitoring:

  • Every hour, analyzers measure metals concentrations at Butler Park and Duncan Flats and transmit readings directly to Trail Operations. Trail Operations immediately responds to any abnormal increase. See additional FAQ to learn how these data are used.
  • Dustfall measurements are collected on a monthly basis at Birchbank, Downtown Trail, Columbia Avenue, Columbia Gardens, Tadanac, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Glenmerry, Oasis, Stoney Creek, Waneta and Warfield. These measurements help understand changes in dust settling in the community over time. 

What are the amounts of Pb in outdoor air in Trail and what are the applicable standards? 

The amount of lead (Pb) in outdoor air in Trail is measured at two locations, Butler Park and Birchbank. Data from Butler Park, a park in the heart of the community and closest to the smelter, is shown in Figure 1 indicated by the blue line. 

3-months rolling average for lead in air for Butler park ,i n comparison to the US EPA standard

At this time, Federal and BC Provincial governments do not have ambient air quality objectives or standards for Pb; however, it is reasonable to rely on standards from other jurisdictions when this is the case. The green dashed line in Figure 1 indicates 0.15 μg/m3 on a 3-month average (US EPA standard). The Butler Park monitoring station has met the US EPA standard since 2020. 

Summary reports are provided at the bi-monthly public Trail Area Health & Environment Committee (THEC) meetings. Meeting minutes include the air quality reports and are available online.

There is no known safe level of Pb exposure. The Trail Area Health & Environment Committee (THEC) has a goal of continuous reduction of Pb in the community and the partners focus on efforts to achieve this. 

Who is at highest risk of lead (Pb) exposure?

Young children are at highest risk of lead (Pb) exposure and its effects because:

  • They often put their hands and objects in their mouths.
  • They sometimes swallow non-food items.
  • Their bodies absorb lead at a higher rate.
  • Their brains are developing quickly.

Pregnant women exposed to lead can pass it to the baby. Lead can also be passed to a baby through the mother’s breast milk.

Why do we have lead (Pb) in Trail?

In addition to lead (Pb) contributions from historical use of products such as lead-based paint and leaded gasoline, Trail is home to one of the world’s largest Pb and zinc smelting and refining facilities, in operation for over one hundred years. Dust particles present in smelter emissions contain Pb. During operations, these particles can settle on surfaces in the Trail area as part of the dust and soil.

The amount of Pb currently contained in Teck’s stack emissions is low. Although fugitive dust emissions (see additional FAQ for definition) have also been significantly reduced, the main focus for further lowering lead levels in the Trail area remains on these fugitive dust emissions from onsite materials handling and vehicle traffic.

Continuous improvement is a key component of Teck Trail Operations Environmental Management System (ISO14001). Measurements of Pb in airborne dust help to understand levels of Pb in the community and inform environmental improvements.

How does Pb affect my health?

Lead exposure can have detrimental effects on early childhood development and children’s future outcomes. Lead is most harmful to children younger than age 6 and especially those younger than age 3. During pregnancy, small amounts of lead can sometimes pass from a mother to her baby. It’s also possible for lead to be passed to a baby through breast milk. There is no known safe level of lead exposure. Taking steps to reduce lead exposure can help keep both mom and baby safe. Visit to learn more.

What is Lead (Pb)?

Lead (Pb) is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. You can find lead in various products such as vehicle batteries, radiation protection and soundproofing.

What are the applicable standards for SO2?

Air quality is managed to protect the environment and human health relative to BC’s Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) and the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS). For SO2, BC AQO are the same as the CAAQS; more information about these standards can be found at:

BC uses these benchmarks to guide regulatory decisions, including permitting of discharges to air, to assess air quality, issue public advisories, aid regulatory development and support long-term air management strategies.

Who regulates Teck with respect to SO2?

Teck Trail Operations operates under permits established by the BC Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV).

How does Teck Trail Operations use data to manage SO2 levels in Trail?

In addition to reducing emissions, near real-time data is transmitted to Teck Trail Operations’ process control systems. If SO2 levels begin to rise (such as during a temperature inversion or during periods of higher emissions), plants at Teck Trail Operations are automatically notified so that actions can be taken to further reduce SO2 at the source and in the community.

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and Teck Trail have the ultimate goal of achievement of the Provincial and Federal benchmarks.

What is Teck doing to reduce SO2 emissions?

Over the past 30 years, over $1.7 billion has been invested in a modernization program to improve the operational and environmental performance at Teck Trail Operations resulting in significant improvements in community air quality.

Teck Trail Operations currently captures more than 99% of the sulphur contained in feed and meets the highest standard for sulphur capture for base metal smelters across Canada.

Teck Trail Operations has made a 25% reduction in emissions in the last ten years, accomplished through the installation of two new state of the art Acid Plants and operational changes. Teck Trail Operations continues to drive improvements and is currently advancing capital projects to achieve further reductions by 2023. 

In addition to SO2 emissions reduction initiatives, Teck Trail Operations uses near real-time data to manage SO2 .

Where is SO2 monitored in Trail?

SO2 is monitored by Teck at four locations throughout Trail and the surrounding areas – Birchbank, Butler Park, Columbia Gardens and Warfield. These stations operate continuously, with near real-time data publicly available. SO2 levels fluctuate throughout the day, month and year. Find current and historical levels online at:

What are the SO2 levels in Trail?

Actual ambient SO2 concentrations in Trail fluctuate throughout the day, month and year.

This chart calculates the total hours of SO2 measured in community air (by monitoring station) in 2023. For actions to take at different levels, see docs 7.

Station SO2 Levels ppb Hours / year* % Time *
Birchbank Golf Course 0-35 8345 99.4
36-184 50 0.6
185+ 0 0
Trail Butler Park 0-35 8288 98.7
36-184 107 1.3
185+ 0 0
Trail Columbia Gardens Airport 0-35 8376 99.8
36-184 19 0.2
185+ 0 0
Haley Park 0-35 8126 96.8
36-184 265 3.2
185+ 4 0
*In 2023, SO2 measurements are available for 97 to 99% of all hours, depending on the station.
**In 2023, all hours that measured above 185 ppb occurred between 8am-11am.

Although levels fluctuate, monitoring data from recent years exceed the benchmarks for ambient air quality set by the Provincial and Federal governments that came into effect in 2020.

Find current and historical data online at:

What actions can I take to reduce potential health effects of SO2?

When SO2 concentrations are elevated, consider reducing or rescheduling activities outdoors, remaining indoors, and reducing indoor sources of SO2 including tobacco smoke and unvented gas stoves. Persons with asthma should follow a management plan developed with their health care provider. If you are having trouble breathing, have chest pain or discomfort, or a severe cough, contact your health care provider or emergency department. See HealthLinkBC for a summary of health recommendations.

The SO2 levels and health guidance in the table below are based on Health Canada’s 2016 Human Health Risk Assessment for Sulphur Dioxide. For more information on the levels experienced in Trail, see docs 8.

SO2 Levels Consider taking the following action at these levels of SO2
0-35 ppb None
36-184 ppb Persons with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma should consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous outdoor activities if experiencing symptoms. No effects are expected for the general population.
185+ ppb Persons with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma should reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors. Others, especially children and the elderly should also consider avoiding outdoor physical exertion.

Who is at the highest risk of SO2 exposure?

Workers in industrial facilities where SO2 is used or is a by-product of industrial processes have the greatest exposure. People who live near these industries and other point sources can also be exposed to higher levels of SO2. See docs 7 and 8 for more information on SO2 levels.

How do I know if I am sensitive to SO2?

Some people, particularly those with respiratory conditions, may be more sensitive to SO2 exposure. Sensitivities may result in symptoms such as irritation of the eyes and respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

What are the long-term risks of SO2 exposure?

Long-term exposure to the particles produced by the reaction of SO2 with other compounds in the air may also affect your health. These particles penetrate deeply into the lungs. This can cause irritation and inflammation that can damage the lining of the lungs and affect other parts of the body. Particles can worsen existing heart and respiratory disease, including emphysema and bronchitis. Because of this, children who live in areas with elevated sulphur dioxide concentrations may develop more breathing problems as they get older.

How does SO2 affect my health?

Short-term exposures to elevated SO2 levels can cause the air passages in the lungs to constrict or tighten, leading to breathing difficulties and tightening in the chest. Symptoms may include constriction or tightening of the airways in the lungs, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. It may also irritate the nasal passage, throat and eyes. Those most sensitive to the effects of SO2 include persons with chronic respiratory disease, especially persons with asthma. Symptoms may worsen during vigorous exercise or hard physical labour. See docs 7 and 8 for more information on SO2 levels.

Why do we have SO2 in Trail?

SO2 is emitted by Teck Trail Operations as a by-product of processing mine concentrates, which contain sulphur, into metal and chemical products. With environmental improvements, SO2 emissions continue to decline. Teck Trail Operations currently captures more than 99% of the sulphur and converts it to by-products, such as fertilizer and sulphuric acid. About 1% leaves the operation through emissions to air. Sulphur capture at Teck Trail Operations is similar to what you might find at a brand-new smelter. However, the dispersion of air emissions from the smelter is constrained due to the location of the smelter, weather and the surrounding topography. SO2 levels in Trail are not static and fluctuate throughout the day, month and year. See docs 7 and 8 for more information on SO2 levels.

What is sulphur dioxide (SO2)?

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a colourless, reactive gas. At higher concentrations it can have a strong odour. It is produced during the combustion of sulphur-containing fuels and industrial operations involving sulphur-containing materials. Major sources of SO2 in BC include the upstream oil and gas industry, metal smelting facilities, pulp / paper mills and marine operations (in the Lower Mainland area). Once released, one possibility is that SO2 can react with other compounds in the air to form fine particulate matter (small solid or liquid particles suspended in air).

Search our Knowledge Base for more FAQs on Air Quality in the Trail Area.

Questions or concerns?

Call Teck’s Community and Environment Feedback line at (250) 364-4817 or

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