- It is important to be informed about lead when expecting as a pregnant woman who is exposed to lead can pass it to her baby. Lead can also be passed to a baby through the mother’s breast milk.
- Prevention of lead exposure is possible and simple actions can reduce your babies’ risk of lead exposure.
- THEP offers free supports to expectant families including Lead Safe Renovation supplies, soil testing and Healthy Home visits, which can include indoor paint testing for lead.
- Experts agree there is no known safe level of lead exposure and no known safe blood lead level. Lead exposure can have detrimental effects on early childhood development and children’s future outcomes.
- As a new parent, it is important to know that most lead enters the body through the mouth via eating, drinking, or breathing in dust containing lead. Young children are at a higher risk for lead exposure and its effects because:
- They often put their hands and objects in their mouths.
- They sometimes swallow non-food items.
- Their bodies absorb lead at a higher rate.
- Their brains are developing quickly.
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